Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Good Primer on Phonics

Teaching Phonics to Help Children with  Learning Problems

It is impossible for the classroom teacher to teach all children all of the words that they need to learn in order to read with ease. While we want children to develop a good solid sight vocabulary so that they do not need to sound out every single word they come across in their reading, we also need to prepare children to be able to sound out words that is not a part of their sight vocabulary when they are faced with unknown words in their reading.

When discussing the reading problems of poor readers, it is not uncommon to hear, "Well, if he hasn't learned to sound out words by now, he'll never learn!" That is a bold statement that simply is not true. All children, even those with serious learning skill deficiencies can and should learn the skills needed to sound out words.
For the full article, go to:

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